I am trying to run cuffmerge in Linux mint directly from the program script instead of installing, since I cannot figure out how to install the correct version on Linux mint (./cuffmerge .. ..
). When I sudo apt-get install cuffmerge
, I get a very outdated version, so this is my fix, which has worked with cufflinks (./cufflinks .. ..
Anyways when I run cuffmerge:
./cuffmerge -o "./wtC" –g /directory/Ppatens_251_v3.0.gene.gff3 -s /directory3/ppatens3.fa merged_asm assembly_gtf_merge_C.txt
I get this error:
Beginning transcriptome assembly merge
[date] Preparing output location ./directory/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./cuffmerge", line 580, in <module>
File "./cuffmerge", line 530, in main
transfrag_list_file = open(args[0], "r")
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '\xe2\x80\x93g'
So what I am asking is either how to fix this, or how to install the newest version of cuffmerge on linux mint, preferably the initial though.
I guess I should say I am using cufflinks-2.2.1.Linux_x86_64 on linux mint 17