I have exome sequencing data, BAM and fastq files. I want to determine repeat extension in chr 12 875373618 region to detect CAG repeats.
I have download repeatseq-master.zip from website in download site. Also, I have download the following using these commands:
wget https://github.com/pezmaster31/bamtools
wget https://github.com/ekg/fastahack
and I have put these files into repeatseq directory.
I don't understand next steps, tool needs BAM file, fatq file and region file. How can I create a region file for chr 14 92537361 region.
And what is the next command for the tool?
repeatseq bamfile fastqfile region file
(Is it right)
I have write repeatseq
to command line but I did not get anything.
If you give a clear explanation, it will be better for me.