Entering edit mode
9.7 years ago
(ln -sf /home/share/databases/transcript.fa /home/share/databases/transcript_index_bwa/transcript.fa) && (/home/share/tool/SOAPfuse-v1.26/source/bin/aln_bin/bwa index /home/share/databases/transcript_index_bwa/transcript.fa)
[bwa_index] Pack FASTA... [bns_fasta2bntseq] zero length sequence. Abort!
sh: line 1: 15710 Aborted (core dumped) ( /home/share/tool/SOAPfuse-v1.26/source/bin/aln_bin/bwa index /home/share/databases/transcript_index_bwa/transcript.fa )
[bwa_index] Pack FASTA... [bns_fasta2bntseq] zero length sequence. Abort!
sh: line 1: 15717 Aborted (core dumped) ( /home/share/tool/SOAPfuse-v1.26/source/bin/aln_bin/bwa index /home/share/databases/transcript_index_bwa/transcript.fa )
[bwa_index] Pack FASTA... [bns_fasta2bntseq] zero length sequence. Abort!
sh: line 1: 15722 Aborted (core dumped) ( /home/share/tool/SOAPfuse-v1.26/source/bin/aln_bin/bwa index /home/share/databases/transcript_index_bwa/transcript.fa )
[bwa_index] Pack FASTA... [bns_fasta2bntseq] zero length sequence. Abort!
sh: line 1: 15727 Aborted (core dumped) ( /home/share/tool/SOAPfuse-v1.26/source/bin/aln_bin/bwa index /home/share/databases/transcript_index_bwa/transcript.fa )
<Warning>: step transcript_seq_bwa_index failed.
check the command printed, and find what's wrong.
I don't know where it is wrong. Please help!
If you could explain what are trying to do, and present the problem in a clearer way, it would be welcome. It takes up a little more time, but the readers will be grateful for it :).
SOAPfuse is an open source tool developed for genome-wide detection of fusion transcripts from paired-end RNA-Seq data.
And I want to used it to detect fusion gene.But I meet some difficulties.when I run the my command:
This file
exists and there are sequences inside?This file is generated by soapfuse.
So? Can you check if it is there when soap crashes? Also check if
is there and contains data, because/home/share/databases/transcript_index_bwa/transcript.fa
is a link of the first file.It contains nothing, I just want to know why
bwa index
is complaining because thetranscript.fa
is empty. You can not do a index of a empty fasta file. Why it is empty? No idea. Have you check if the gtf used is corresponding to the genome file?Thank you very much. And how the transcript.fa is generated?
Can you give a link for ensembl gtf on hg19?