I have two new Saccharomyces cerevisae genomes assembly and I would like to rerun some RNA-seq data,using these new assemblies. I ran tophat-bowtie-cufflinks and have the FPKM for each gene in the strains. My porblem is that, as I used two different reference genomes, I don't think I can run cuffdiff to analyse differential expression. Googling a bit I found people working with two species, but all have, at least, two conditions for each species... and I only have one.
My question is : can I compare directly the FPKM? Is there any R package that I could use to manage FPKM directly or any normalization of it (log2 for example...)?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
So, just to clarify, you are trying to do differential expression of two different species?
Yes. (I already know which are the orthologs)