I am writing to seek your help in using the vcf2maf conversion tool for Zebrafish reference genome. The output MAF file will be used as input for running ABSOLUTE.
I've cloned the site: https://github.com/dakl/vcf2maf.git
and installed VEP as per the instructions in the manual.
However, on running vcf2maf, I get an error:
perl vcf2maf.pl --input-vcf ../Sample_BC06_Sample_BC12_MuTect_filtered.vcf --output-maf ../Sample_BC06_Sample_BC12_MuTect_filtered.maf --ref-fasta /home/sg15w/.vep/danio_rerio/76_Zv9/Danio_rerio.Zv9.dna.toplevel.fa --ncbi-build Zv9
STATUS: Running VEP and writing to: ../Sample_BC06_Sample_BC12_MuTect_filtered.vep.vcf
UNIVERSAL->import is deprecated and will be removed in a future perl at /home/sg15w/vep/Bio/Tree/TreeFunctionsI.pm line 94.
ERROR: Cache assembly version (GRCh38) and database or selected assembly version (Zv9) do not match
If using human GRCh37 add "--port 3337" to use the GRCh37 database, or --offline to avoid database connection entirely
ERROR: Failed to run the VEP annotator!
Command: /share/pkg/perl/5.18.1/bin/perl /home/sg15w/vep/variant_effect_predictor.pl --quiet --offline --no_stats --everything --check_existing --total_length --allele_number --no_escape --gencode_basic --xref_refseq --assembly Zv9 --dir /home/sg15w/.vep --fasta /home/sg15w/.vep/danio_rerio/76_Zv9/Danio_rerio.Zv9.dna.toplevel.fa --vcf --input_file ../Sample_BC06_Sample_BC12_MuTect_filtered.vcf --output_file ../Sample_BC06_Sample_BC12_MuTect_filtered.vep.vcf
I've tried running just he VEP annotator with --species zebrafish
option and it works.
I need your help in understanding which option to use to fix the cache error.
Also, do I need to add any other options for the output MAF to be compatible with running ABSOLUTE.
Thanks for all the help.
We have already had discussions on this via Ensembl helpdesk. I suspect, though I don't know for certain, that VCF2MAF is specific to human. If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be great.
Update, I'm now fairly sure it's just for human:
The code above are the defaults (human) but it's settable to whatever. Did @sgujja download the Zv9 VEP annotations?
FYI, the repo you cloned is a clone I made a while back, but haven't updated in a while. Use Cyriacs repo for the latest version: https://github.com/ckandoth/vcf2maf
Maybe Cyriac Kandoth has input as well?
Hello Daniel,
Thanks for the reply.
I did download Zv9 VEP annotation:
and for snpeff as well:
On cloning Cyriacs repo
I think the tool is still using human reference. How do I overwrite it?
Cyriac updated vcf2maf, and the latest version should support both these issues.