I would like to use the program BETA to integrate my RNA-seq differential expression data into the target gene calling for my ChIP-seq binding peaks (see: http://cistrome.org/BETA/tutorial.html#basic). BETA is not originally set up for the model organism C. elegans, so I need to prepare and input a reference gene annotation file using the following format:
refseqID chrom strand start end gname2
NM_032291 chr1 + 66999824 67210768 SGIP1
NM_001301823 chr1 + 33546729 33586132 AZIN2
NM_032785 chr1 - 48998526 50489626 AGBL4
I know that all of the information for the WS220(ce10) version of the C. elegans reference genome is available for download from the UCSC genome browser (http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/ce10/database/). However, there are multiple individual files available and I am unfamiliar with the formats and it is unclear to me which one I need. Is there anyone that has experience with this that can help? Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
Thank you! This was helpful for downloading the old version that I need (WS220).