First off, I apologize for posting this "old" inquiry. I know similar inquiries were put out before, but I am hoping to find new solutions to this inquiry.
I am trying to find the positions of a list of SNPs (given the rs#). Need a "new" solution.
What I have tried so far -
(a) sending a batch query to dbSNP at NCBI, which worked well in the past, but today ~10 hr after sending the batch query, no return of result yet ( is the server down ??)
(b) downloading all dbSNP positions from Biomart and hoping to do some "intersection" to find the positions for specific rs#. The download somehow was terminated prematurely (first download took ~ 1+ hr).
(c) downloading cruzdb. cruzdb was suggested as a solution in one of the earlier posts. I read the document and still could not run it - my apology ! (does running cruzdb require an understanding of python? which I currently don't possess) Having to say it though, in contrast to cruzdb doc, I had better luck with vcftools and plink thanks to their "more friendly" documents.
Is there any other solutions that allow non-bioinformaticians to find answers to this task (i.e. positions for a list of SNPs)?
I certainly hope to get some useful responses, but It's understandable if the admin chooses to close this thread (due possibly to "duplication of questions"). Thank you
How many rs# you have got? You can give UCSC table browser and give a list of rsIDs (< 1000) and select whatever information you need in the output file.
Thanks. Will try UCSC table and see how it runs. I have only ~ 1000 rs, so wasn't sure why dbSNP database failed me yesterday.