I want to do DE analysis using DESeq2. My experiment is small RNAseq experiment with 5 tissue samples. I want to find out the DE genes between different tissues.
I have following matrix (as an example)
gene tissue1 tissue2 tissue3 tissue4 tissue5
gene1 233 91 17 593 93
gene2 1011 0 7 1 11
gene3 963 2 3 66 2
gene4 908 41 1 74 33
gene5 596 50 26 328 104
gene6 1 0 0 0 1111
gene7 202 187 35 425 277
gene8 985 24 10 76 33
gene9 523 87 32 286 203
gene10 822 82 23 120 87
My aim is to find DE gene between each column, - i.e. tissue1 vs tissue2, tissue1 vs tissue3 ......tissue2 vs tissue3...... tissue4 vs tisue5
I don't fully understand the program, I tried following the program vignette as follows:
CountTable = read.table("test.tsv", header=TRUE, row.names=1)
gene tissue1 tissue2 tissue3 tissue4
gene1 233 91 17 593
gene2 1011 0 7 1
gene3 963 2 3 66
gene4 908 41 1 74
gene5 596 50 26 328
gene6 1 0 0 0
colData = data.frame(
row.names= colnames(CountTable),
condition = c("tissue1", "tissue2", "tissue3", "tissue4", "tissue5"),
libType = c( "single-end", "single-end", "single-end", "single-end", "single-end"))
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix( countData = CountTable, colData = colData,
design = ~ condition)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
#estimating size factors
#estimating dispersions
#gene-wise dispersion estimates
#mean-dispersion relationship
#final dispersion estimates
#fitting model and testing
#Warning message:
#In checkForExperimentalReplicates(object, modelMatrix) :
#same number of samples and coefficients to fit,
#estimating dispersion by treating samples as replicates.
#read the ?DESeq section on 'Experiments without replicates'
res <- results(dds)
#log2 fold change (MAP): condition testis vs brain
#Wald test p-value: condition tissue5 vs tissue1
#DataFrame with 927 rows and 6 columns
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
So in the result I am getting comparison only between tissue5 and tissue1, what do I need to do to find out comparison between each tissue?
Help is greatly appreciated.
P.S.: I am new to R and first time using DESeq2
If you only have 5 samples, and they are all different, you can't do any kind of sophisticated statistical analysis on them. There is natural variance of expression, but without biological replicates, you have zero idea what it is. DESeq2 might give you numbers, but they don't mean much.