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9.7 years ago
I have a de novo annotation file in gtf format, which I converted to a sorted bed file (see below).
I have been trying to use bedtools merge -s -d 10 -i outSampleSorted.bed
but I get no output of any kind. The -s
flag is to ensure I only fuse features on the same strand.
I am trying to merge all the features of a gene together. Thanks for your help!
[cyril@synapse tmp]$ head outSorted.bed
chr1 3199741 3207317 0.0 - sol exon . locus_id "locus.00012320";type "3p_exon"
chr1 3199751 3207317 0.0 - sol exon . locus_id "locus.00012320";type "3p_exon"
chr1 3207317 3213438 0.0 - sol splice_jnct . color "#EE0000";locus_id "locus.00012320"
chr1 3213438 3216968 0.0 - sol exon . locus_id "locus.00012320";type "internal_exon"
chr1 3216968 3421701 0.0 - sol splice_jnct . color "#EE0000";locus_id "locus.00012320"
chr1 3322600 3323760 0.0 - sol exon . locus_id "locus.00012320";type "3p_exon"
chr1 3322750 3323760 0.0 - sol exon . locus_id "locus.00012320";type "3p_exon"
chr1 3323760 3421701 0.0 - sol splice_jnct . color "#EE0000";locus_id "locus.00012320"
chr1 3421701 3421901 0.0 - sol exon . locus_id "locus.00012320";type "internal_exon"
chr1 3421901 3670551 0.0 - sol splice_jnct . color "#EE0000";locus_id "locus.00012320"
That's not a BED file, or GTF, or GFF. I imagine the fact that's breaking things...
I just tried using a file derived from cufflinks, using gtf2bed in the classic way and got the same mistake. But you are correct, it is not a BED file I am getting. I will try again with awk to get some form of correct bed format. The gtf I started from was in this format (which is valid).
I get this:
I guess that the fields are not well recognized, especially the 'name' one.