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9.7 years ago
Hi everybody!
I'm using the following mapper script for miRNA alignment in miRdeep2, but the reads_vs_genome.arf
is empty!
mapper.pl config_teste2.txt -d -e -h -j -l 18 -m -p /storage/raid/home/poliveira/from_ensembl/index -s reads_collapsed.fa -t reads_vs_genome.arf -v -n
and I'm having the following error message:
Use of uninitialized value $count2 in subtraction (-) at /usr/local/bioinfo/opt/mirdeep2_0_0_7/mapper.pl line 704.
total: 18969876 Use of uninitialized value $count2 in print at /usr/local/bioinfo/opt/mirdeep2_0_0_7/mapper.pl line 704.
18969876 Use of uninitialized value $count2 in division (/) at /usr/local/bioinfo/opt/mirdeep2_0_0_7/mapper.pl line 705.
Use of uninitialized value $count2 in division (/) at /usr/local/bioinfo/opt/mirdeep2_0_0_7/mapper.pl line 705.
Please, could somebody help me?
Thank you very much Nicola!
But instead of
what I have to use?Try to run the same command without one of them. Let's see what happen.
I tried without
and I had the following message:HI,
I think is like the alignment is empty, there is any temporary file directly from bowtie, any map or sam file? That part of the code is counting how many hits you have, but since it never enter the loop.
btw: answer should be only answer to the question, anything like comments, should be added using add comment button. :)