Hello, I am facing problem in plotting an unrooted neighbor joining tree based on hamming distance. I have got a figure of my tree. But the labels are overlapped with each other. I used cex=0.5
but it only reduced the font size of my labels but still the problem persist. I used the following codes:
hamdist<- dist.dna(snpdata, model="N")
tree_nj <- nj(hamdist)
plot.phylo(tree_nj, type="unrooted", lab4ut=c("horizontal"),no.margin=T, cex=0.5 )
I could not attach the figure.
Another problem is with the principal component analysis in R. My data contains 250 locus of 100 individuals. And the SNP data is simulated so I do not have any population name or class or information. I am trying to use s.class
for plotting the figure of PCA. But every time there is this error message
Error in s.class(PGRtp_ID8_pca$li, seq2$pop, lab = seq2$pop.names) :
factor expected for fac
Now please tell me is there any other method to other than s.class for plotting PCA and get a good figure? Or how can I plot the figure with s.class
Please also tell me how can I solve the problem with my phylogenetic tree.
Thank you
to show figures upload them at some site (like imgur) and copy the link on your post.
Here I have attached the link and the image of my phylogenetic tree. Please see and help me to solve it. http://i.imgur.com/7MVpgSL.jpg?1