I have a fastq file with reads, but there are duplicates. Can you tell me how I can get the unique entires in the 4-row fastq format
I have a fastq file with reads, but there are duplicates. Can you tell me how I can get the unique entires in the 4-row fastq format
gunzip -c in.fq.gz | paste - - - - | LC_ALL=C sort -t '\t' -k2,2 -u | tr "\t" "\n" | gzip > out.fq.gz
With the BBMap package:
dedupe.sh in=reads.fq out=nodupes.fq
The output will contain exactly 1 copy of every unique sequence. It's extremely fast, but may take more memory than other solutions - the amount of memory is proportional to the number of unique reads (rather than, say, the total input size).
PRINSEQ should solve your problem. Check it out here: http://prinseq.sourceforge.net/manual.html#QCDUPLICATION
A bit of digging should get you the command line options for the feature.
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You might want to clarify what you mean by "duplicate" in this case. Do you mean that they have the same sequence or that you have a single read from the machine duplicated multiple times?
BTW, the former situation is addressed by RAM's answer, the latter by Pierre's.