Hi everyone
I am in the process of creating a RNAseq bait design and I have created baits that span splice junctions to better target a specific transcript of interest. I was hoping to find a way to visualise these reads in a genomic context on a genome browser like IGV to better assess how the bait coverage looks on the genes on interest.
Anyone know how to best achieve this?
Many thanks
make a bed file with the bait coordinates and open it in IGV
Unfortunately.. that is not as easy as I would like...
I start with the complete coding sequence of the transcript I am interested in, I then tile across that sequence to create by baits. This means that each bait will have, potentially overlapped 1 or more splice junctions.
The process of then going from that tiled bait sequence to the exact genomic coordinates it overlaps is time consuming.
I was hoping there would exist some software that I could use where I could provide the genomic coordinates of the transcript and its genomic sequence together with the bait sequence and it would give me the genomic coordinates that the bait spans.
This I could then input into IGV