First: Please no programming language war!!!!
Question: I wonder if anybody ever used a esotheric programming language to solve a bioinformatician problem? (I know there are people out there) What let you choose it? Do you regret it?
I am building a scala framework to solve my day-to-day bioinformatics task and realized that many tasks could be solved in one line. But thats only true because I am starting with the simple algorithms. But what about more complex algorithms?
Anybody ever coded a forward-backward algorithm (e.g.) in functional style?
What I mean by esotheric language:
scala, prolog, lisp, erlang, haskell
What I do not mean: casual languages like: c, java, python, perl, ... and useless languages like: brainfuck
none of the listed languages are esotheric at least by commonly accepted definitions.
Being new or not widely used does not mean its esotheric.
Looks like everyone except you had an idea what I meant by esotheric language. So I can thankfully ignore your concerns.