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14.5 years ago
Michael Schubert
The AMOS framework provides a nice environment for sequence and assembly handling. There are things it can't do however, eg. editing or reassembling contig data. In my lab this is done mostly with Lasergene's SeqMan, which is able to import ACE files.
So, what I would like to do is convert my preprocessed AMOS bank to the ACE file format. There is an amos2ace converter available, but that one can only work on AMOS message files (afg?). Is there a way to do that, either directly or via the afg file format?
Thanks in advance! Michael
Thank you for downmodding my question and pointing me to a converter that I do already mention not to be what I'm searching for (it works on AMOS afg files, NOT on banks). I'm sorry if I was a bit harsh earlier but there's no need for a personal vendetta.
Sorry, I did not realize you were looking for something different. As far as I now bank is a colection of internal objects for the AMOS framework and is not comparable to the .ACE file format. AMOS web site specifically says that AMOS message files (not banks) should be used for interoperability with other systems. So amos2ace seems to be the only logical choice, please correct me if I am wrong.
The files in a bank (and its internal files) contain all the information an ACE file does, so I do think they are comparable. There seems to be no way, however, to manipulate a bank and then transfer it back to other formats (including AMOS message files, as far as I unterstand).