There are number of Bioconductor packages published. If anyone have some problem, how can they really contact the authors of the package, to get the help or to ask about their doubts?
After getting stuck a number of times, I google the problem, and if I don't find answer, I write email to the authors. Among the emails I wrote in past, I received only one response for my problem, that I was facing with qusage package. I am not mentioning about the package for which I didn't get any response from authors.
I know that one way could be to to post query on Bioconductor Support. Can there be a online forum or service, by which, the authors of the package also get an online page for that package, to ask question, may be at the end of the page of their package on Bioconductor website. I believe that author of the package would be able to able to answer more clearly to the questions of users.
Just creating a package, publishing it and forgetting is not good!
I have also posted the same on Bioconductor Support website.
A Guy replied you there :)
I have seen and up-voted the answer. Waiting for more suggestions/ answers. :-)
Guy has a point, may be you share your
or you can email bioconductor@r-project.orgYou would know that at least your question reached everyone willing to have notifications