I have assembled many chloroplast genomes and this is something we are doing on a pretty large scale now to complement other phylogenomics approaches. First, I don't think 100k reads will give you enough coverage to assemble a complete genome, but there are other good options. It is likely that you have other sequence data such as WGS reads or some kind of sequence capture data. In my experience, all sequence data sets (in plants), whether from targeted or shotgun approaches, will contain chloroplast and mitochondria fragments. You should be filtering this data anyway as it is a source of contamination, but these filtered reads can actually be combined with other data and used to assemble the chloroplast genome.
One very important step is to calculate the estimated coverage of the genome you are assembling, and you can get an estimate of the coverage by mapping to a closely related species. Picking the appropriate coverage cutoff will lead to a more complete and contiguous assembly. The most common mistake I see people making is trying to assemble with crazy high coverage (>1000X), and this does not give good results (and takes a longer to execute).
I don't think it is possible to resolve the IR regions de novo (at least, in my experience), but it can be done by using a reference.
My advice would be assemble your genome with Newbler or MIRA as Leonor suggested, then use ABACUS to order your contigs relative to the reference. That will help you fill in the gaps and transfer annotations. The caveat with this approach is that you need a reference from a closely related species because you are assuming the same order. Depending on the species being compared, this is probably a safe assumption because chloroplast genomes evolve more slowly than nuclear genomes.
Hi ... I have about 12GB data based on whole genome seq. by Illumina Seq.. I tried to assemble (soap denovo) 50% of the data by Genious software, but I couldn't get big contigs, the larger contig was about 70KB. so because I want to assemble complete chloroplast and mitochondria seq. this is not a proper way. do you have any idea or opinion what I have to change in my assembler (Soap denovo) to get larger contigs. Thanks
This is not an answer to the above question. You should ask this as a separate question.