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9.4 years ago
I have designed code using modules from mygene.info
for gene annotation query (converting gene symbol to refseq.rna
) and Biopython for refseq.rna
reference to an mRNA fasta file. I have designed this specifically to find mRNA-seq specifically for the model organism Xenopus Laevis.
While this works, it does not successfully find all the gene symbols that are input. For example using the input genes:
notch1, sox2, myf5, myod1, prmt5, wnt1, pax3, zic1, snai2, twist1, foxd3, chrd, bmp4, otx2, nog, lef1, dll1, tubb2b, neurog1, act3
I only can get a return of 11 mRNA sequences in the output fasta file. While all these genes are on Xenbase, I am confused as to why the program is unable to find them.
#Ronald Cutler - Saha Lab 150617
"""A program that takes gene symbol inputs in the Gene List.txt and
then outputs respective mRNA sequences in the mRNA.fasta"""
import mygene
from Bio import Entrez
#initiate lists and mygene object
mg = mygene.MyGeneInfo()
ids = []
mRNA = []
not_found = []
#read gene symbols from inputfile to ids list
#change this directory if needed
inputfile = open('/Users/confocal/Desktop/Ronald Cutler/Targeted RNA Expression Programs/Gene symbol to mRNA-seq mapping/Gene List.txt', 'r')
for line in inputfile:
count1 = len(ids)
print('Gene sequence list:', ids)
print('Numebr of input genes=', count1)
#executing mygene object
out = mg.querymany(ids, species='8355', scope = 'symbol, xenbase', fields='refseq.rna', size= 1)
#extracting mRNA NCBI references from dictionary
for dic in out:
except KeyError:
#printing out symbols that could not be found
if len(not_found) > 0:
for symbols in not_found:
print('These genes could not be found in the database', not_found)
mRNA = " ".join(mRNA)
count2 = len(mRNA.split())
#checking if all input genes were given respective mRNA NCBI reference
if count1 != count2:
print("Warning, either an mRNA sequence was not found or there is a" \
"duplicate entry of a gene ID. Please Check")
#Searching and outputing respective mRNA sequences
Entrez.email = "rrcutler@email.wm.edu"
handle =Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id=mRNA, rettype="fasta", retmode="text")
result = handle.read()
#writing output file
#change this directory if needed
outputfile = open("/Users/confocal/Desktop/Ronald Cutler/Targeted RNA Expression Programs/Gene symbol to mRNA-seq mapping//mRNA.fasta", "w")
print("Number of output mRNA sequences=", count2)
Specifically, the genes not found were: myod1', pax3', snai2', twist1', foxd3', bmp4', otx2', dll1', neurog1
is it possible you should have used 'pax3-a'?
After trying that I received a result for that respective gene! Perhaps it's just a problem with input nomenclature then..
'Input nomenclature' makes it sound like a computer error rather than a human error.
You have to use the appropriate gene symbols.