I tried to upload 6 bigwig files in genome browser. But it doesn't work. It gives me this error message "It appears that you are directly uploading binary data of type bigWig. Custom tracks of this type require the files to be accessible by public http/https/ftp, and file URLs must be passed as the bigDataUrl setting on a "track" line". So I googled what public http are.
The solution is to upload the files in a "repository" in a public http and then provide the link of the file from the repository to the genome browser.
So, I went ahead, created a account in Bitbucket. But I am not sure how to go ahead from there.
I created a repository but I am not sure how to get the link to single files from it.
Thanks. But I can't find answer there. You have written in Third Step : Uploading about local webserver. I am not sure what that it. I am very new to all this and still learning.
We have a (I think) server for our department, where we store all the data generated from NGS. But I am not sure how to get a link for that server. I access the data through WinSCP and Putty.
And what are Bitbucket and Github for?
Same question here, I don't have a server and don't understand "just copy it on your local webserver, where you can get the link to the file like https://projects/files/file.bw" explanation