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9.5 years ago
I have a problem with Newbler. I launched the command to try an assembly of two .fq files but here the error.
Created assembly project directory /home/mido/test_Newbler/projet2
2 read files successfully added.
sim.p1.fq (Fastq paired-end dataset, with standard scores)
sim.p2.fq (Fastq paired-end dataset, with standard scores)
Assembly computation starting at: Thu Jun 25 10:49:51 2015 (v2.9 (20130529_1641))
Indexing sim.p1.fq (with quality scores)...
-> 3500 reads, 350000 bases.
Indexing sim.p2.fq (with quality scores)...
-> 3500 reads, 350000 bases.
Error: At least one read sequence must be present in the project
in order to proceed with mapping or assembly.