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9.4 years ago
I have a set of vcf files created by aligning reads to a reference and then creating a smalls pileup. Now, I would like to create a fasta file for each vcf file but instead of using the ambiguity codes I would like to take the major variant in the case of multiple options. Which software could I use to do that?
Thanks in advance
PS.: If somebody knows where the information about variant abundance in vcf is, please tell me as I could then write a script solving the problem described above.
as pointed out before, this is a recurrent question. for instance, you may find it already addressed in Introducing Known Mutations (From A Vcf) Into A Fasta File. please use the search box before asking.
See this relevant post Modifying fasta file based on vcf information , although I don't think the problem was fully resolved. It would be good to paste a few lines from your vcf file along with some meta information.