We have a good bit of funding available to purchase a high performance computer, and we are wondering if others have experience setting up and running machines with up to 1 TB of RAM. We are interested in using the computer for de novo genome assembly of plants, and expect the genomes to be highly repetitive. The MaSuRCA assembler, for example, suggests this 1 TB requirement for large plant genomes: http://www.genome.umd.edu/docs/MaSuRCA_QuickStartGuide.pdf
Our previous computer purchase was a small computing cluster from PSSC Labs, but we have struggled to assemble genomes (and even transcriptomes) using programs like SOAPdenovo, Ray, and Trinity, due to the high I/O requirements. We also have a smaller, single-node machine from PSSC that runs well, but has "only" 256 GB of RAM.
Has anyone had experience building/purchasing HPCs with these requirements? Do you have any advice?
My god that's a cool machine!
I have zilch experience with Docker, so I can't answer for sure.
I found this for SUSE 12, but nothing for SUSE 11. There is, however, a good deal of documentation about LXC on SUSE 11. Also no good hits for SGI and Docker (admittedly, a very cursory search). I will try (not soon, though) to install something from list of dockerized bioinformatics apps list and report back.
Yep, seems you are right. From Docker docs:
Anyway, my installation problems are my current hobby, so either way work for me.