So... Anybody going to ISMB 2015 in Dublin and want to hang out with some fellow biostars, go to a pub or something? Follow this post and we can try to coordinate a meetup time and place.
So... Anybody going to ISMB 2015 in Dublin and want to hang out with some fellow biostars, go to a pub or something? Follow this post and we can try to coordinate a meetup time and place.
Okay, I'm leaning towards a biostar meetup on the last night, Tuesday July 14th after the conference awards and closing at 6pm.
My plan so far is meet, walk about a mile to The Bank on College Green (backup plan The Boxty House), eat dinner, then (if anyone's up for it) go to a free comedy show in the basement of the Stag's head pub (starts at 9pm, need to get there 8ish).
I think we should meet on the ground floor of the convention centre after the talk. I'm thinking I'll try standing under this star shaped light thingy with a biostars sign. If you want to tell me you're coming ahead of time by commenting below, that would be nice, I will keep a lookout for you.
If you foresee any big problems with this plan or have any other suggestions, please comment.
I'm an infrequent twitter user, but use it more during conferences (@mmarchin).
Come to see us at the information desk and we'll pass on the time/place info (if it's been decided).
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Sounds like a good plan. Count me in.
Okay, I just edited to Tuesday night for a few reasons. Hope you can still come! Everything else the same.
excellent. now I can also join the core dinner.
sounds good, (would prefer Sunday though) see you there
I've had some last minute unexpected travel changes and may be arriving Sunday morning running on fumes. Plus the bioinfo-core dinner was just announced as being Sunday night at 8pm and I'd like to go to that despite exhaustion. Plus the poster session is actually supposed to be until 7:30 which I had kind of glossed over... Sorry to be flaky.