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9.5 years ago
I am running Allpaths LG to assemble a guava genome. I have ran PrepareAllPaths.pl
and it completed successfully. The PBS for PrepareAllPaths is as follows:
#PBS -N PrepareAllpaths
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -l nodes=cn01:ppn=12
mkdir -p NewGuava/data
#export PATH:/scratch/sysusers/godwin/allpaths-bin/bin:$PATH
/scratch/sysusers/godwin/allpaths-bin/bin/PrepareAllPathsInputs.pl DATA_DIR=$PBS_O_WORKDIR/NewGuava/data PLOIDY=2 IN_GROUPS_CSV=in_groups.csv IN_LIBS_CSV=in_libs.csv OVERWRITE=True
exit 0
I then ran RunAllPaths and its giving me all kinds of error messages.
My PBS file
#PBS -N RunAllpaths
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -l nodes=cn01:ppn=12
export PATH:/scratch/sysusers/godwin/allpaths-bin/bin:$PATH
/scratch/sysusers/godwin/allpaths-bin/bin/RunAllPathsLG PRE=$PBS_O_WORKDIR DATA_SUBDIR=data RUN=firstrun REFERENCE_NAME=NewGuava TARGETS=standard OVERWRITE=True
exit 0
The error I am getting is
Unable to find optional long jumping reads (>20kb) for scaffolding.
Unable to find optional long reads for patching.
targetsToMake = 168
[VAPI] ValidateAllPathsInputs PRE=/scratch/sysusers/godwin DATA=NewGuava/data K=96 K_LONG=640 LONG_JUMPS=False LONG_READS=False REFERENCE=False WARN_ONLY=False
/bin/sh: ValidateAllPathsInputs: command not found
Please help debug this. Thanks
I think am having the exact same problem. Did you have any luck figuring this out?
Here is the chunk of the log file before everything stops working:
I should note that I am running this on a unix computing cluster, and that I have had a few other problems not being able to find files (MergePairedFastbs, QualbStats, CacheReadsMerge, CompileAssemblyReport.pl, ParseMemMonitorOutput.pl, QualbStatsPlot.pl). My rather clumsy solution for these has been to make a symbolic link to them that is just one directory higher. However, that didn't work here!
Do you know where the
should be located? Have you tried adding this location to your path with: