I have RNA-seq raw reads from HiSeq2000. I prepared the library using NEBNext ultra directional kit for Illumina. I want to do trimming of adapter, however I am not sure which adapter sequence I need to use to trim the data. Does anyone know the adapter sequence for this NEB kit?
Thank you
Thank you so much!
Should I used universal adapter only or all the index primer?
Like I said I don't know the protocol so I don't know what the index does. Maybe ask your lab technician what he did and then use the appropriate sequence for trimming.
In my honest opinion I don't think it will matter either way if you add all of them to the trimmer or only use one or the other, they look long enough for trimmers to only cut them specifically and not remove unwanted read bases, but that is just an opinion, not hard evidence :P
Btw, Thank you for your suggestion :)