Hello Biostar,
I have recently set up a Galaxy server for my group as we are interested in setting up workflows for common bioinformatics tasks. So far so good - things are up and running but I've run into my first issue: how can I customize Blast? Right now I can blast one fasta file against another but I would like to make Galaxy aware of a number of custom Blast Databases that we have so that a user could blast their fasta file against them using only a pulldown menu.
While i have found Galaxy to be very promising I can't find too much info on customizing the tools. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
thanks zach cp
Do not forget the reboot the galaxy instance to make the galaxy server aware of the new BLAST databases. Similarly, this loc file configuration also works the same for preconfigures bowtie and bwa indexes.
Do not forget the reboot the galaxy instance to make the galaxy server aware of the new BLAST databases. Similarly, this loc file configuration also works the same for preconfigures bowtie and bwa indexes. Thus far there is no option to add datasets in realtime to loc file preconfigured sets.
thanks alchemixt
I have similar problem, but since this post is old, I don't know if it has changed. I am using only one single version.
nt NCBI nt (partially non-redundant) Mar.2017 home/galaxy/ncbi_db/nt/nt
I tried with chunk or not in the blastdb.loc but not successful, recommendations?