I'm doing single-cell TCR sequencing using Mark Davis' protocol. Here is the link to Davis paper: http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v32/n7/abs/nbt.2938.html
The paper used vdjfasta for TCR analysis. But the vdjfasta was set up for antibody sequence analysis. When I use it for TCR sequences, I don't get exactly what described in the paper. Could anyone help me? I wonder if anyone can tell me how to change vdjfasta (probably the database or hmm file?) for TCR analysis or point me to another tool.
Thank you so much in advance!
Thank you for your recommendation! I was searching online and just downloaded your Nature Methods paper on MIGEC:) Well, I'll test both.
Never mind. Found it
Could you add some test input files for testing for MIGEC?
Thank you!
A real-world example would be quite large as it need to cover molecular tag (~one cDNA molecule, see original paper) 10-20 times for each of several clonotypes. You can still use the full dataset, see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra?term=PRJNA239303 .
I've just uploaded a single sample from http://www.jimmunol.org/content/early/2015/05/08/jimmunol.1500215 with TCR beta to S3, feel free to download the read1 and read2 files, they contain the unique molecular tag sequence in header in case you need it.
Thank you so much! I'll test it tomorrow morning.
I just downloaded read1 as testing input file. It worked! But I still have a couple of questions. Here is the command I used:
My questions are:
Thank you so much!
Dear Bin,
Sorry for a late reply.
You do not need to use Checkout, they are already split by sample barcodes and the info is already in read header.
You need to run Assemble to assemble consensuses and then CdrBlast. It will process the UMI info from header.
Could you upload the barcode.txt file for read1/read2? It would be convenient for users to test Checkout etc.
Thank you so much in advance!
You don't need those barcodes as files are already de-multiplexed with adapter sequences containing sample barcode cropped. Still, if you download raw files from SRA you can use them. Here are barcodes for alpha and beta chains:
Thank you!