I would like to ask if you know anyone who is doing bioinformatic and wet lab science in the same time. My university dont offer bioinformatic courses for biochemistry PhD programme, so I enrolled for a masters in bioinformatics at different university. Now I am working at lab, studying second year bioinformatics and wondering if it can work to do both on a decent level or is it essential to sacrifice on of them to be fully productive. Sometimes I have a feeling that I know everything a bit, but nothing deeply. What do you think? Do you know anybody in similar situation?
I believe it will be better if you tightly integrate the wet experiment and bioinformatics for a focused field. The field of both are really wide.
Hi, i'm in the same position. My background is also in biochemistry with the focus on wet lab work. And now i'm also doing a Masters in bioinformatics because i wanted to more of the data analysis. But as far as i have seen during my internships and master course is that there is hardly cross over between the two fields. My current internship is at a company where there are two bioinformaticians that only handle data (they couldn't even hold a pipette if their live depended on it). My previous internship was at a University, they had a big bioinfo department but only handled data. If they needed experiments done they just send it out because it was too time consuming doing it yourself. At my own university the Bioinformatics department was theoretical so there was almost no wet lab data, they mostly did algorithm development and stuff like that. So like you i have searched for a combo job but there doesn't really seem to be a job that really needs someone that knows a little of both because it's more efficient if you have two people that know a lot of one thing :P