I am trying Piano package. In section 3.1 of vignette it creates a sample data and loads it. However I cannot reproduce it. It might be a very funny mistake or a bug but I checked every line several times. So no matter if I create the setup as object and load it or save it as a tab delimited and load it both ways it produces error. See codes below. Can anyone help with that please?
> mySetup
oxygen limitation
CAE1 "aerobic" "Clim"
CAE2 "aerobic" "Clim"
CAE3 "aerobic" "Clim"
CAN1 "anaerobic" "Clim"
CAN2 "anaerobic" "Clim"
CAN3 "anaerobic" "Clim"
NAE1 "aerobic" "Nlim"
NAE2 "aerobic" "Nlim"
NAE3 "aerobic" "Nlim"
NAN1 "anaerobic" "Nlim"
NAN2 "anaerobic" "Nlim"
NAN3 "anaerobic" "Nlim"
> library(piano)
> myArrayData <- loadMAdata(setup=mySetup)
Error in loadMAdata(setup = mySetup) :
could not find any data files in directory
> mySetup <- as.data.frame(mySetup)
> myArrayData <- loadMAdata(setup = mySetup)
Error in loadMAdata(setup = mySetup) :
could not find any data files in directory
> write.table(mySetup, file="setup.txt", sep="\t")
myArrayData <- loadMAdata()
Error in loadMAdata() : could not find any data files in directory
This is the list.files
[1] "PJ022 - Piano.Rproj" "setup.txt"