Hi All, I have generated a bed file from a BAM file using bamtobed commands from BedTools. I am not sure how to interpret the meaning of each column. There is also bed12 option which generates 12 columns output. Appreciate if anyone can help me out to understand what those are. Thank you.
@Sukhdeep Singh Thanks for the information. What I don't understand is the 5th column. Some of number are zero which I am not sure what it means. Does it mean the coverage number of the reads at particular reference position?
Hey, that's the MAPQ (mapping quality) score, it has a range of [0,2^8 -1]. o represents either the unmapped read or the unvailability of mapping quality. Check the percentage of how many reads in the file are like this.
awk '$5=="0"' file | wc -l
If you want more filterting check the post How To Filter Mapped Reads With Samtools
Thanks a lot. This info is really useful. :)
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