How I can draw expression pattern of my interest genes expressed in a microarray?
i downloaded GSE63706 and normalized that by RMAExpress, now I have a text file (consisting of 13 columns and 22300 rows) of which I pasted a little bit in the below
Probesets GSM1555931_wp-a2.CE GSM1555883_cp-a2.CEL GSM1555884_cp-b1.CEL
AF506028_F_at 2.841923 3.343265 4.007341
Cit.100.1.S1_x_at 3.487702 3.405457 3.873674
I have also a list of probesets (a text file of my interest probesets) in this array like below
I am using these probes as hub in the array
I want to have a heatmap showing the expression pattern of genes co-expressed with my interest probesets in this array, for example in this array I have 4 varieties and different tissues (rind and flesh) and phases (0,10,20,30,40 and 50 days after harvesting). Heatmaps showing the expression pattern of genes correlated with my probesets in varieties, tissues and phases separately.
I can produce co-expressed network using the hubs but I am interested in tracking expression pattern of genes co-expressed with hubs in different organs, phases and varieties individually with heatmap or another way but I don't know how to do this.
Please tell me something for inspiration
I tried to adapt my purpose with github script like below but:
In R I changed directory and I typed so:
> library(gplots)
Attaching package: 'gplots'
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
> library(RColorBrewer)
> data <- read.text("text1", comment.char="#")
Error: could not find function "read.text"
Sarah, instead of copy/pasting same comment, can you please update this question and post example data. How does normalised text file look like? How does list of probes look like? This is the only why we can help you to read it into R and plot it.
yes you all right, i will do so hoping to solve my problem
I suspect that the question that you ask here is related to the question you asked here: expression pattern (heat map) of a list of probsets ids
And also to the identical comments you left on these posts: