As a biologist, I am very confused when I am using qsub to submit a task, how to qsub a task that could run in multiple threads, i.e., using -p
in bowtie2, -a
in blastn. After a exhaustive google search, I have tried -l nodes=1:ppn=8, -l ncpus=8, -pe pe_splots 8
, all these parameters do not exist on our SGE server. The only one seems to work is qsub -pe orte 8, however, although 8 cores are assigned, bowtie2 and blastn only run in single threads, anyone could help me on this?
Thanks, I finally have
-pe orte 8
successful running on my terminal now. I have a follow-up question, when I run multiple blastn on my own workstation, they shared the same memory load,i.e.,each of the 10 BLASTN task (using the same reference database NT) took 90% of MEM, whether the different BLASTN tasks could share the memory in the same way or not? or they have to be on the same physical node?They'll need to be run on the same node to use the same memory. There's probably a qsub option to put things on the same node, read through
man qsub
.There are some interesting performance comparisons here: BLAST: Is there a difference between splitting queries and using more threads?
Better performance either by using more threads or by more processes may depend on the dataset you are using.