Lets say I have a list of gene IDs. I want to assign them GO terms and then make a chart that shows how many times a GO term showed up on the list of genes. Like a bar graph with GO terms on one axis. However, I cannot use blast2go because I only have a list of genes and no sequences, and blast2go basic requires you to input sequences to work. I do not want to buy blast2go pro either. I've had limited success with PANTHER, however I want to be able to adjust the "levels" of GO terms that I can use. So by that I mean I might want to have the GO terms specific enough where "mitotic nuclear division" may be a GO term as opposed to "cell cycle".
Can anyone suggest a good program that can do this? Thanks!
Edit: I am analyzing a non-model organism. Most of these web-based programs that have pre-formatted gene IDs for a specific species will not work on my dataset.
REVIGO can summarize all of gene IDs belong to a GO term, and in the result page of AGrigo analysis with affy IDs as entry, you can see how many IDs mapped to a GO id...you know i like to help too much even my answer is irrelevant...
http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsea/msigdb/geneset_page.jsp?geneSetName=CELL_CYCLE_PHASE has something about cell cycle, and this post and this one
i think in http://wiki.c2b2.columbia.edu/workbench/index.php/Gene_Ontology_Viewer, gene list section you can find some information