Common Workflow Language (CWL) / has been trending on my twitter timeline during the last weeks.
However the spec is quite large and I find it hard to get some simple examples.
Furthermore, I have the feeling that all engines require a lot of dependencies or docker. I'd like to test my makefile-based workflows using CWL, how should I write and test the following simple Makefile using CWL:
.PHONY: all
all : database.dna
database.dna : seq1.dna seq2.dna seq3.dna
cat seq1.dna seq2.dna seq3.dna > database.dna
seq3.dna : seq3.rna
tr "U" "T" < seq3.rna > seq3.dna
seq3.rna :
echo "AUGCGAUCGAUCG" > seq3.rna
seq2.dna : seq2.rna
tr "U" "T" < seq2.rna > seq2.dna
seq2.rna :
seq1.dna : seq1.rna
tr "U" "T" < seq1.rna > seq1.dna
seq1.rna :
echo "AUGAAGACUGACUCGUCG" > seq1.rna
EDIT: feel free to add the file for your favorite workflow-engine as an answer.
@yokofakun oh, still no reply.. I can provide it for @nextflowio DSL, but I guess you are not interested to that ;) @smllmp
— paoloditommaso (@PaoloDiTommaso) July 28, 2015
@yokofakun Could have 2-3 levels of "advanceness" though :) Have used this from a tutorial before: @PaoloDiTommaso
— Samuel Lampa (@smllmp) July 28, 2015
Responded with an example on this github issue: