Hi all,
I am new member to this community and have a question regarding q value calculation. I have a dataset of mutations and using the mutation dataset I tried to find out functionally significant mutations in genes (CDS). For each gene I have a p value. Some of them have p val <=0.05. the lowest in my dataset is 0.01269. Whenever I do multiple hypothesis correction using BH method I get very high qvalues something like 0.4888820. According to which 48% of the test found to be statistically significant as False positive. This is a huge number. I got p-value from wilcoxon rank sum test. Now the genes which are coming as significant are some of the known cancerous genes or significantly mutated genes. My question is can you guys suggest me how to deal with such a problem. This simply states that my results are not statistically significant.
Many thanks,
There is no way to deal with that. After you correct for multiple testing your pvalues are not significant. However, you might find some way to validate the results by showing that the genes with uncorrected pvalue <=0.05 ahave some functional relevance. Can you validate some of them? This would be the best option.
The idea is to find some driver mutations from the analysis and validate them. Another validation of the test is to see if known cancerous genes are showing up, which is what I am finding in my results. Its q-value/adjusted p-value which is coming so high.