I have designed more than 1000 primer pairs using EST resources and I know the exact location (chromosome co-ordinates) of each primer. I want to indicate / map these primers on respective chromosomes. how can i do it? since i know which chromosome it belongs to and its exact location i hope it can be done easily using any simple software tool. Plz help
I agree with Pierre and DK that the question is a bit vague. If you're looking to visually map the primer pairs/ESTs to a genome, you can use the custom tracks option at the UCSC genome browser. In this manner, you can see your data alongside a lot of other available genome information.
You know the "exact location of each primer" and you want to "map these primers on their respective chromosome" ????
Do you mean you know the exact location of the ESTs on the chromosome and you want to map the primers you've designed with the EST to the chromosome?