I want to rearrange my fasta file according to length of sequence
I want to rearrange my fasta file according to length of sequence
answering because
:-PThis seems like simple #genomics question that doesn't seem to have a simple answer. Is there a tool to re-order a fasta file on seq length?
— Julie Blommaert (@Julie_B92) January 10, 2017
awk '/^>/ {printf("%s%s\t",(N>0?"\n":""),$0);N++;next;} {printf("%s",$0);} END {printf("\n");}' input.fasta |\
awk -F '\t' '{printf("%d\t%s\n",length($2),$0);}' |\
sort -k1,1n | cut -f 2- | tr "\t" "\n"
I love the solutions using GNU utils. Wish I was better at awk!
Do you know if anyone has an at all comprehensive list of simple bioinfo file manipulations like this using just built in tools? It would be a really cool resource for people who aren't very 'sys-admin-y' and get stuck when installing things (or just don't have permissions!)
Maybe this one? stephenturner/oneliners: Useful bash one-liners for bioinformatics. https://github.com/stephenturner/oneliners#awk--sed-for-bioinformatics
Using the BBMap package:
sortbyname.sh in=file.fa out=sorted.fa length descending
Default is to sort by name, but it can also sort by length or quality.
Sorting by seq length using seqkit:
$ seqkit sort -l hairpin.fa
Filtering by seq length using seqkit seq
# before filtering
$ seqkit stat hairpin.fa
file format type num_seqs sum_len min_len avg_len max_len
hairpin.fa FASTA RNA 28,645 2,949,871 39 103 2,354
# length >= 100
$ seqkit seq --min-len 100 hairpin.fa | seqkit stat
file format type num_seqs sum_len min_len avg_len max_len
- FASTA RNA 10,975 1,565,486 100 142.6 2,354
Never worry about the installation of the seqkit (download), it provide sexecutable binary files for Linux/Windows/OS X. Just download, decompress and immediately use.
Here's a quick GUI in python
#!/usr/bin/env python
import Tkinter, tkFileDialog
from Tkinter import *
from Bio import SeqIO
class App(object):
def __init__(self):
self.root = Tk()
self.root.wm_title("Format Fasta")
self.inp = StringVar(self.root)
Label(self.root, text = "\nPlease provide the FASTA file containing your sequences.").pack()
Button(self.root, text = "FASTA", command=lambda:self.inp.set(tkFileDialog.askopenfilename())).pack()
self.output = StringVar(self.root)
Label(self.root, text = "\nPlease enter a prefix for your output file.").pack()
Entry(self.root, textvariable=self.output).pack()
Label(self.root, text = "").pack()
self.request = StringVar(self.root)
Label(self.root, text = "\nPlease enter the min. length of a sequence to keep.").pack()
Entry(self.root, textvariable = self.request).pack()
Label(self.root, text = "").pack()
Label(self.root, text = "").pack()
Button(self.root, text = "Run", command = self.clickedrun).pack()
Button(self.root, text = "Exit", command = sys.exit).pack()
def clickedrun(self):
length = self.request.get()
prefix = self.output.get()
Label(self.root, text = "\nTrimming sequences to first " + length + " bp..", fg='blue').pack()
inpfile = self.inp.get()
outfile = prefix + '.fasta'
with open(inpfile, 'rU') as f:
records = list(SeqIO.parse(f, "fasta"))
with open(outfile, 'w') as out:
for r in range(len(records)):
if len(records[r].seq) > length:
print >> out, '>' + records[r].id, '\n', records[r].seq
Label(self.root, text="\nDone!", fg='blue').pack()
Copy/paste, save as Python file. Click the 'FASTA' button to provide the path to the input fasta. Then there are two entry fields, one for the output file prefix, and another for the desired minimum length. Click 'Run', and you will get a new file in the same directory as your input file.
I would use pyfaidx
Get length of each sequence and sort (ascending or descending):
faidx --transform chromsizes test.fasta | sort -k2,2n > sorted_list
Then extract sequences in that order:
from pyfaidx import Fasta
sq = Fasta("test.fasta")
with open("sorted_list") as regions:
for line in regions:
print ">"+sq[cord[0]].long_name
print sq[cord[0]]
or you could use script given in this repository.
You can also use faFilter to extract sequences. Other options are also available.
-v - invert match, select non-matching records.
-minSize=N - Only pass sequences at least this big.
-maxSize=N - Only pass sequences this size or smaller.
-maxN=N Only pass sequences with fewer than this number of N's
-uniq - Removes duplicate sequence ids, keeping the first.
-i - make -uniq ignore case so sequence IDs ABC and abc count as dupes.
A somewhat contrived way to do it with only Unix tools. Keep sequences longer than 20 and sort them in decreasing order of length:
awk -v RS=">" 'NR > 1{sub("\n", "\t", $0); gsub("\n", "_", $0); sub("_$", "", $0); print ">"$0}' $INFILE \
| awk -v MIN_LEN=$MIN_LEN -v FS="\t" -v OFS="\t" '{if(length($2) > MIN_LEN) {print $0, length($2)}}' \
| sort -k3,3nr \
| awk -v FS="\t" '{gsub("_", "\n", $2); print $1 "\n" $2}'
(Sequence names must not contain the tab character)
At first thought (FASTX-Toolkit
+ awk
fasta_formatter -i input.fasta -t \
| awk -F $'\t' '{print length($2) "\t" $0}' \
| sort -k1,1nr \
| awk '{print ">" $2 "\n" $3}' \
| fasta_formatter -w 80
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