I've just started working with BioJava4. I need to construct MSA object with my predefined DNA sequences.
To do so, I want to create DNASequence objects from strings. Based on the cookbook and javadocs, I try to do it the following way:
String a = "ACTTG";
DNASequence haplo_1 = new DNASequence(a);
Then I get an error that I should throw an CompoundNotFoundException, so I surround it with try-catch clause as follows:
try {
DNASequence haplo_1 = new DNASequence(a);
} catch (CompoundNotFoundException e1) {
When I run this code, I get neither the error nor object - any outcome, any exception, nothing... I tried to catch standard Exception but the result is exactly the same - no result at all.
Have you ever encountered such problem and can give me a hint to solve it?