I used the expanded exome kit (nextera) for my samples. Now I want to use picard/HsMetrics, which asks for a baits and targets files.
On the Illumina website, I can find the targets bed file for the kit. I also find the targeted_regions file.
Are these the correct files for picard HsMetrics? When I use them, I get strange values for efficiency (like >2).
Maybe the targets file is some sort of "expanded exome definition"? if so, how do I find this definition for "expanded exome / illumina"? if the targets is this "exome definition", what is the the baits file? (would it be the targets file provided by illumine?)
Sorry for the naive question, thank you
The problem with creating your own target file is that none of the exome capture kits capture all known/annotated exons. So you will throw off your on/off target statistics really badly if you do this.
Isn't that exactly what you want to know? I'm not interested in knowing how efficient is Illumina at targeting the regions they say they target. My interest is in knowing how efficient is Illumina in targeting a list of annotated exons I trust from source X.
For this reason, I personally prefer creating my own targeted file and use it with the probe manifest from Illumina.
No, you need to know how efficient your capture is, and how many exons you have failed to capture in the targeted region. Knowing that you haven't captured things that you weren't meant to capture isn't very useful in the grand scheme of things. You should have checked your targets of interest were covered in the kit before you ran your experiment.
I look at the on/off bait statistic for that. That tells you how efficient your capture is.
If you are able to cover your target of interest also depends on fragment and read size
Hence my comment "So you will throw off your on/off target statistics really badly if you do this" ;) With Agilent SureSelect, the on/off bait and on/off target are generally for all intents and purposes identical...
Ok I didn't know that, we use Nimblegen and the proberegion sometimes is 3 times the target (for custom designs).