Dear folks,
I see "The *-unitigs
is the assembly without using any paired end or mate pair information, and the *-contigs.fa
is the next step, using paired end information. The *-scaffolds.fa
is your scaffolded contigs".
Here are the stats for my -unitigs.fa
, -contigs.fa
, and -scaffolds.fa
as below. On my understanding, the difference in total length between *-unitigs.fa
and *-scaffolds.fa
should be the number of Ns in my -scaffolds.fa
. Am I right? But, when I counted the number of Ns in *-scaffolds.fa
, there are only 509 Ns. What am I missing?
Also, on my understanding, the -scaffolds.fa will use paired/mate pair information to join/scaffold the contigs together, right? If I am right, there should be 99 gaps filled with Ns in my `-scaffolds.fa. But I don't think there are 99 gaps of Ns in
*-scaffolds.fa`. Where am I missing?
sequence #: 316 total length: 4678712 max length: 236245 N50: 34091 N90: 10761
sequence #: 221 total length: 4776303 max length: 236245 N50: 40151 N90: 15786
sequence #: 217 total length: 4776366 max length: 236245 N50: 40489 N90: 16196
Thank you so much!
PS: I just realized that I need to post question here. I am sorry if I posted it twice.
Thank you so much! It really helps! :-)