What is the quikcest way to get a slice of my sequence corresponding to the location of a specific feature extracted from a genbank file?
I have a SeqRecord and its sequence (SeqRecord Object):
the location of the specific feature I am interested in (SeqFeature Location object):
I would expect a slice like:
Where 12:456 correspond to the feature location but I need integers for the slice, not a location object!!
Do I have to get into the location object to fetch the start and end....until I get integers or is there a quickest way?
You should pick the answer to your question, not edit the question and add "Solved" to the headline.
Sorry; I did not get the point... it's my first post on stackexchange! Maybe a a howto in the FAQ to explain what to do when we have the anwser (excepted if it already exist and I did not see it) would be usefull as it took me 2 minutes to understand the procedure...