I would like to obtain mainly two things. Suppose that the tag
(or topic) I'd like to mine is circadian clock
1) I'd like to find out all keywords
(where ever possible.. I guess relatively recent papers alone have keywords?) ( or any other equivalent main words
) that are associated with this topic. I am interested in creating a tag cloud
or word cloud
. I think its a cool opening slide in a presentation. What do you guys think?
2) I'd like to mine for pioneer
(major findings / breakthroughs) papers in this field (probably more restriction criterions should apply here, such as, humans or plants etc..), if not, most cited
papers, from all available papers. This is basically for literature reading
. Basically, how does one get across in finding papers that one should definitely have read??
I know how to generate a word cloud in R. I'd like to know if its possible to extract these information somehow from pubmed (using the tm
R-package possibly?).
Thank you in advance for your suggestions, Best, Arun.
This seems nice. I have yet to try if I can get the type of statistic and information I'm hoping to get. Thank you!