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9.3 years ago
I need to extract fasta sequences for two genes. I used
java -jar /Users/nuketbilgen/programs/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.3-0/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T FastaAlternateReferenceMaker \
-R $REF \
-o YK20.fasta \
-L bTau7_2and6_subset.bed \
-V YK20_S24S12.raw.g.vcf
but it does not seem to work all of the output fasta files have the same sequence as the reference. Is it because of the raw vcf file?
I was wondering you were able to figure out this issue? I'm having the same problem.
Do you have SNPs in the two genes in the vcf file you fed to GATK?
Sorry for my late response.
I have 3 genes in the vcf file.
Thank you