I have aligned my BS-Seq data with Bismark and I removed as well the duplicated fragments (I am following the commands from this link). My question is: do you normally filter those reads with a mapping quality, MAPQ, below a threshold in BS-Seq? Because the link provided does not say anything about it.
Thank you very much.
Thank you Devon. However, I read in the Bison's paper that Bismark produces slightly different MAPQ values compared to Bison, since the latter recalculates the MAPQ score (besides, all my reads have a score of 255). So, how can they use the same algorithm?
Bismark was modified after the paper was published (or at least submitted, I don't recall which). If you still have alignments with 255 MAPQ scores then you must be using an older version of bismark.
Well, I think it's because I used bowtie1 instead of bowtie2... Do you recommend me to align again using bowtie2?
Ah, yeah, that would do it. Yes, use bowtie2.
Do you recommend me filtering those methylated positions with very low coverage (e.g. supported by 1 read)? Thank you Devon.