I am in the process of preparing a genome and its annotation (in fasta and gff3 format) for submission on NCBI. NCBI is know for its strange formats and I am not excited at the idea of creating the Sequin table for the submission.
It seems the NCBI is the to-go place however, but are there other places to submit an annotated genome where the process may be more streamlined?
Thank you. I contacted them to ask about the annotation format they require.
I am in the same situation... with a gff3 and fasta file and I would like to prepare the flat file in EMBL format that they require.
Emboss seqret - problem conversion gff+fasta to EMBL
For the moment I didn't find any straightforward way that works to do that. So, if you have any information for the conversion I will be thankful.
The Bioperl method is not working very well. Apparently some fields are not fill as it's required.