Hi there,
I am trying to use JISTIC tool to analyze CNV data. I did not properly understand how to make the ProbeLocationFile.
Let's say, I have segmented file from DNACopy. The output files look like:
==> TestSample1 <==
barcode chromosome start stop mark segmean
sampleS1 1 567331 569882 6 -2.3721
sampleS1 1 761847 905536 162 -0.1232
sampleS1 1 905636 3549990 2846 -0.0335
==> TestSample2 <==
barcode chromosome start stop mark segmean
sampleS1 1 761857 7854094 4700 -0.0742
sampleS1 1 7858583 7861350 8 -0.8358
sampleS1 1 7862937 11905939 3063 -0.0598
==> TestSample3 <==
barcode chromosome start stop mark segmean
sampleS1 1 569890 761867 2 -0.0945
sampleS1 1 761967 1231403 767 -0.6182
sampleS1 1 1231503 1233381 8 -0.1089
As, chr-start-end position in each file are different. How do we make the same region for all file. Because not all regions are present in all samples.
So, how to make "Probe location file"?
Could you please help me with this. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Just wants to make sure. Is it GISTIC you're asking about? If yes, I guess you're asking about marker file?
I was referring to JISTIC http://www.c2b2.columbia.edu/danapeerlab/html/jistic.html , which is meant to be like an upgrade to GISTIC. I plan to try both. But for now, got stuck with making probe location file.