I am currently using samtools/bcftools to call SNPs. My question is, how does samtools/bcftools call out alternative alleleS as opposed to the reference?
example 1:
ctg1117585322335 54283 . A G,T 49 . DP=21;AF1=1;CI95=1,1;DP4=0,0,0,21;MQ=29;FQ=-87 GT:PL:GQ 1/1:82,60,0,82,47,79:99
mpileup ctg1117585322335 54283 A 21 ggggggggggggggggtgggg 333333344343343304444
example 2:
ctg1117585322225 4142 . C T,G 185 . DP=29;AF1=1;CI95=1,1;DP4=0,0,0,29;MQ=53;FQ=-108 GT:PL:GQ 1/1:218,81,0,209,47,203:99
mpileup ctg1117585322225 4142 C 29 ttttttttttttttgttttttttttttgt JIIJJIIJJIJIJI9JJFI:IIIHJIJ2C
From example 1, the reported depth is 21. As shown in mpileup, G has a depth of 20 as opposed to T which has 1. In this case, I would like to further filter the SNPs found where only the SNPs that has more than a depth of 10 would be called.
When calling for alternative alleleS, is there a cut-off in terms base quality/depth for the second alternative allele ( in this case, T) to be called?
Hey Sean, I've edited my question. Aprreciate the inputs!
The depth associated with each alternate allele is not included in the VCF output from either GATK or samtools, I do not think. You'll need to write a small script to do the counting based on the mpileup results, for example.