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9.5 years ago
I have a .vcf file generated through GATK (Original vcf run through VariantSelect) hoping to use downstream in Plink for basic association study. However the file seems to contain no SNP IDs. What can I do to get the SNP IDs in to the vcf file? I already have a .fasta reference library.
I have a very basic knowledge of coding.
You mean rsIDs right? You can use VariantAnnotator in GATK. You will have to provide dbSNP file along with your vcf file as inout. Alternatively you can try these posts: List Of Dbsnp Rsids And Their Positions SNP rsid by location?. There are many posts on Biostars that can be useful. Search for "assign rSIDs" or "annotate rsIDs".
Thank you very much. Will try the annotator in GATK.