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9.5 years ago
I'm using blast to retrieve sequence matches and I want the subject start and end coordinates. But, I notice that although the subject start returns a column, there is no column for the subject end field.
Here is the code I used:
blastn \
-query Gaviaimmerheader.fasta \
-db Gallus_gallus.Galgal4.cds.all.fa \
-task blastn \
-dust no \
-outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid length qstart qend sstart send sallgi qseq sseq evalue" \
-evalue 1e-6 \
-num_alignments 1 \
-max_hsps 5 \
-out outputgallus8.blast.txt
If anyone knows why the send field is entirely absent, let me know.
I don't believe so. I checked and didn't see one there. It could also be displayed like this:
Thank you, I figured out what was wrong. Blast wasn't reading all the fields becuase the code wasn't all on one line.