Hi all,
I used the following R program for pairwise sequence alignment. My data set contains 90 protein sequences. I would like to do pairwise sequence alignment with each pair of sequences.
seq1<- read.fasta(file = " first.fasta")
seq2<- read.fasta(file = " second.fasta")
seq1string <- toupper(c2s(seq1[[1]]))
seq2string <- toupper(c2s(seq2 [[2]]))
globalAlign<- pairwiseAlignment(seq1string, seq2string)
pid(globalAlign, type = "PID3")
file second.fasta is my dataset. first.fasta file contains first sequence . Using this program I am doing pairwise sequence alignment with first sequence and second sequence.Next, I have to do alignment with first and third sequence. first and 4th sequence etc upto 90. What all changes do I have to make in my program for visualizing the alignment of each pair of sequences?
put a loop around... what else?
Hello, I am trying to align 50 sequences with one sequence and find percent identity, i.e seq1 vs seq2, seq1 vs seq2 etc.
i have tried the above code, @David W x <- sapply(seq2,function(seq1) pairwiseAlignment(seq2,seq1,type ="global",substitutionMatrix = mat, gapOpening = 10, gapExtension = 1))
I could get the alignment score but when i am trying to get percent identity it gives me the following error, pid(x, type = "PID4")
The error may be because sapply returns list, but "pid" takes pariwiseAlignmentsingle subject.
Thank you
Hi gjhansi111,
I am having the same problem - do you have a solution for this?
Many thanks